A Poem of Gratitude for Books: Ten Reasons Why I Always Return

Dear books whose spines have cracked from countless pages turned,
for the novels whose covers were folded and worn,
for the scenes captivating enough to be performed,
and for the stories and endings I will faithfully mourn.

Nothing is better said than the ten reasons why I faithfully return
to the stories with tens of thousands of words.
Firstly, a long-awaited escape from my world to others is mine to yearn.
But, this is second to the witty banter and tension between lustful characters and ruling lords.
Thirdly, the diversity in characters, personalities, and conflicts inspire me daily
To be courageous, authentic, and honorably sarcastic in every way.
Fourth, magnificently designed book covers and sprayed edges are great to display,
But the familiar smell of libraries and well-read books are still triumphant without further say.

Moreover, an author's recipes for controlled disasters may coax me to resist slumbers.
Perfect deliveries of slow-burn romances and cliffhangers fuel better than caffeine.
However, ending stories and bidding farewells are still outnumbered
By the lessons learned without the real-life dramatics of a guillotine.

Although I have reached the ninth reason,
books still hold more places than few
In my heart and bring my soul to completion.
For the friends and travels from books are my cue
to thank you always as Nicole with the book reviews.


  1. So cute and fun and clever, Nicole. :) I'd fail epically trying anything like this so it's fun to discover others who have cool creative talents. Thanks a bunch for visiting my website today!

    1. Nicole @ NewbookcatsJuly 16, 2024 at 10:15 AM

      Aww, much thanks and lots of gratitude to you, Rissi! You would not believe the lists I made of "words rhyming with ___". Definitely took a while, but it was so much fun to try something different!

      Thank you for visiting, and happy TTT!

  2. Such a fun and unique poem. Agree with everything

    1. Nicole @ NewBookCatsREADSJuly 16, 2024 at 10:16 AM

      Thank you so much for visiting, and I cannot agree more with your comment. Books really are the cure for all!

      Happy TTT!

  3. This is a very cute and creative post! Thanks for visiting my TTT earlier, and happy reading!

    1. Nicole @ NewBookCatsREADSJuly 16, 2024 at 12:18 PM

      Thank you so much, Nicole! (Love your name by the way! <3)

      Happy TTT!

  4. A wonderful tribute to books!
    Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!

    1. Nicole @ NewBookCatsREADSJuly 16, 2024 at 5:53 PM

      Thank you so much for visiting, Pam! Happy TTT!

  5. Replies
    1. Nicole @ NewBookCatsREADSJuly 16, 2024 at 5:54 PM

      Thank you so much, Bree, for visiting! Happy TTT!


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