A Letter and An Apology to the Top Ten Books I Meant to Read in 2023 but Never Got To
As of January 2024, I would like to officially acknowledge the beginning of the new year. As of yesterday, I have replaced my pencil and eraser with a permanent pen, particularly as I am no longer needing to erase the "3" from the date portion of any paper document. I expect applause at this momentous occasion, but first...some of my intentions in 2023 remained unfruitful. As tribute, this post is dedicated to the books that were abandoned. To those untouched on the TBR shelf or those pages never tear-marked, crinkled, highlighted, and marked with reader thoughts. To the books that would have left me breathless and developed my warped humor further with the trauma of losing characters or triangular love connections, this is an apology and an affirmation that you will shine in 2024! Move over DiCaprio, for the real dreamboats are awaiting my wicked eyes. These are the Books of '24 . 1 0 Books I Meant to Read in 2023 But Never Got To: 1. The Heroes of Olympus: The Son...