Post-Christmas Giveaway and Interview with Iain Reading
In the midst of October while the mild breezes were blowing past me, the leaves were changing, and my school schedule was getting a heck of a lot heavier, a publicist contacted me, wondering if I would take up on her offer to help publicize a book for an author of hers.(Thank you, Kelsey!) I immediately took a seat on Kitty Hawk's plane for this project as a) I love books, b) I love spreading news of great books and authors, and c) I wanted to spread some holiday cheer around Christmas time! I have interviewed Iain Reading, the author of Kitty Hawk and the Curse of the Yukon Gold , and have presented a giveaway for all those looking for a special gift after the Christmas holiday. Let the fun begin! Interview with Iain Reading! 1. Is Iain Reading your real name? Or is it a pen name? It is unfortunately a pen name because someone was already using my real name. Two someone's, in fact, and one of them wasn't getting very good reviews. But... teaser here.......