10 Ways To Have An Epic Summer

Is it summertime, already?

The question that we all ask ourselves this time around: How does one have the best summer yet?

Go skinny-dipping? No. Never in a million years. Too young and way too opposed to try this form of swimming. So, the answer is NEVER.

Hug a Jamie? ABORT. ABORT. This is not for me. (Sorry, JamiešŸ˜¢)

Steal a towel (and their little dogs too) from my neighbors? Nope, I do NOT want to get arrested for dog-napping.

But, you are probably wondering why I am even posting this in the dead of summer? Summer has already started, and everyone is completing their summer reading list only because THAT is fun. So, why should I be planning your epic summer adventures? 

Because I am writing this post to plan my summer adventures and am trying to pretend that Morgan Matson assigned me with a to-do list. I want to pretend that I am Emily and that Morgan Matson is Sloane from the wonderful Morgan Matson's Since You've Been Gone. If only we could be best buddies in real life.

I am not over dramatic. This is actually how I would react if I ever met Morgan Matson (or any of my favorite authors as I am a little awkward bean and do not know how to control myself in front of people who have shaped my entire being and have made me hungry at certain time in their novels). Plus, I will always call her Morgan Matson, not Morgan nor Matson nor M&M nor Double M nor M Squared...

Anyway, what should I do? If I don't want to be exactly like Emily from Morgan Matson's Since You've Been Gone, which is where I got these scandalous dares from, how will I get to have the perfect summer?  So I will not get bored during the long months of summer vacation, I decided to write myself a list of activities to do and all of them are related to books in a particularly devilish way.

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My Epic Summer To-Do List:

1. Recommend a stranger a book.

2. Read the last page of a book before starting it.

3. Hug as many books as I can and brag about it.

4. Be dragged outside + Read a whole book outside = a commitment to reading.

5. Try an audio book.

6. Read a book out of my comfort zone.

7. Write a series of letters to my favorite authors and never send them.

8. Write more discussion posts.

9. Commit some book sins AKA dog-earring and annotating.

10. Turn off ALL my electronics for a couple days to appreciate the world around me and the books that sleep beside me.
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Lastly, summer will be a blast, and I cannot wait to hide in a corner until it ends. I do not know why I am charging myself with mandatory tasks, but I will do them for the sake of the internet. Not like anyone cares or anything.

Thank you for reading, and have a great summer!


How is your summer going? Do you have any fun goals for the summer? How do you have the most epic summer? Do you enjoy being a couch potato that eats potato chips or having an adventure and have the chance of getting a sunburn? Have you read Morgan Matson's Since You've Been Gone? Who would you entrust with the task of forming a to-do list for you? Chat with me in the comments below or on any of my social medias.



  1. I really need to up my reading this summer! Maybe I'll grab a book and hit the park this weekend!

    1. That sounds so nice! I hope you enjoy your reading adventures! I bet you will have a great summer reading!

  2. Whoah!!! this is one heck of a list to do Nicole.. hope you check out all those imaginary little boxes in your list. :) :)
    By the way, I'm about to tag you in a bookish tag/challenge... It's easy to do, don't worry. :)

    1. Hi Lili! Thanks for the tag! HUGS! I LOVE DOING TAGS although I somehow barely do them. For summer, I need to do something so why not create a to-do list for myself and publish it on the interwebs. I thought it would make me want to accomplish them faster; but, somehow, I still have not done any of them. #procrastination haha! Have a great day! :)


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