Recent Mainstream Popular Books and Authors I Have Not (YET) Read But Are On My TBR | Featuring My Cold Soul and So Many GIFs to Shame Me But I'll Shake It Off

After reading for over 20 years, anyone would believe that I would have some reader cred. 

Reading Leigh Bardugo's Shadow and Bone trilogy and her Six of Crows duology before Netflix released its show. Did that!

Read J. K. Rowling's Harry Potter and the Cursed Child in its entirety the day it came out. Did that!

Shouted the lyrics of Dear Evan Hansen while reading its spin-off novel...before it came out! Sincerely, I did that!

However, with all of these accomplishments under my belt, there are so MANY authors I have yet to read from. God only knows how many top hits from musicians I have yet to listen to, but, as this post and thankfully this blog are focused on books with legible words, we don't have to talk about me not listening to Taylor Swift's newest album...

As I join That Artsy Reader Girl's Top Ten Tuesday prompt of the week, let's hop into the Taylor Swifts of authors! Shall we?

1. Pierce Brown's Red Rising Saga

Given the honor of hottest young adult author of 2014, Pierce Brown's looks and his stories were given the limelight. And, now there is news of his Red Rising Saga getting a television show, so I may as well need to read this epic science fiction before spoiler alerts are tough to avoid.

2. Suzanne Collin's The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes

After reading and loving The Hunger Games trilogy (like so many young adults in the 2010s), I was excited to see Collin publish a prequel to this beloved series. Focusing on the tenth Hunger Games, this new perspective on Coriolanus Snow's beginnings and another tribute seems exciting.

But, we'll see...since this TBR hurts!

3. Colleen Hoover

Notable for her romance novels, Hoover has made a name for herself - like Taylor Swift has done with singing ballads of previous romances. I have a hot take, but I am not exactly attuned to romance novels and unfortunately will not most likely read any of Hoover's books...for a long, long time...

4. Ayn Rand

With both Anthem and Atlas Shrugged featured in my library for years, one would think I have read them.


I just really need to stop looking at shiny, new books or rereading old favorites, but The Heroes of Olympus series just looks so good right now....

(*me, not falling into the hole of reading too many comfort books and eating jars of peanut butter...with no shame!)

5. Hank Green

A fan of Hank's infamous brother John Green and their popular joint YouTube channel, I am aware that Hank has published a few novels - all of which seem exciting. Now, I just need to build my Green collection...if only they had a Green collection that were in different shades of green.

6. Stephanie Garber I have the Caraval series on my shelf and I love Carvel ice cream cakes and the book's premise reminds of Erik Larson's The Devil in the White City and I just really need to read it please!

7. Tomi Adeyemi

Children of Blood and Bone was one of my most anticipated books of 2018, particularly since this was Adeyemi's debut and the book was getting so much press from New York Times and similar journals. I just happen to be extremely late to the party. Fashionably late....

8. Neil Gaimn's American Gods

So, from the list of sins: there's a television series; the book itself has won many awards; the author is highly respected in the fantasy realm; and, I am sitting here at midnight making sense of my taller than average TBR list. As my reader cred completely crumbles like an overbaked oatmeal cookie, this list is not going to plan.

9. Agatha Christie

Mysteries are some of my favorite books. Hence, Nancy Drew and Gillian Flynn are two of my favorites; however, for some reason, the Orient Express and any murderous involvements with the train only make me shudder and never leave my Kia Karlos ever again. If you need me, please address any mail and/or messages to Karlos the Kia Dr near Leave Me Alone Blvd. Thank you. Plus, all this quiet time will allow me to finally catch up on my beauty reading...

AND 10. Scott Westerfeld

So, funny mom gifted this book to me deep in my blogging, but I just had to be in a reading slump at the time. Just need to read it.

Okay, well that is all for now, and that felt so good to get off my chest. I feel like a new bookworm. I don't feel bad for only reading 200 pages of George R. R. Martin's Game of Thrones or DNFing Laini Taylor's Strange the Dreamer after distracted by the peachy smell of isopropyl acetate...

Okay...too much was said, and I hope everyone has a great Tuesday. Although other posts may not be as revealing as others, feel free to visit That Artsy Reader Girl's blog to read similar posts and join the TBR community!






What book(s) were you surprised to see featured on this list? Should I give Strange the Dreamer another chance? (Perhaps after I finished Taylor's Daughter of Smoke and Bone but you're the real judge...) What authors/books/musicians would you have listed for this week's prompt? Do I really need to listen to Taylor Swift's latest album, or does Kelce got me covered? Converse with me in the comments below or via social media!


  1. I haven’t read Colleen Hoover either.

    Here is my Top Ten Tuesday post.


  2. Hoover and Christie have been on SOO many lists this week! I have no interest in the former, but the latter has really grown on me in the last few years. I still find her writing rather dry and simplistic, but her plotting is inventive and intricate and that's what I like about her.

    Happy TTT (on a Wednesday)!

    1. Yes, I still cannot believe how many comments about Hoover’s books there have been. It feels like, in 2017/2018 era, her books were advertised like bumblebees in spring -plentiful.

      Thanks for visiting, and Happy TTT!!!

  3. I sometime worry my bookish clubcard will be revoked for not having read The Hunger Games yet lol

    1. Nicole @ NewBookCatsREADSNovember 16, 2023 at 11:53 AM

      No worries…my reader card was probably stolen by goblins and elven folk a lonng time ago. I literally did not read any fiction books for a good 3 years while I was studying for my Bachelors and then for my MCAT. Thank goodness I’m able to make a comeback though! :)

  4. Oooof, just when I thought I found a new bookish friend, you gut punched me by starting the list out with the Red Rising series! Haha, just kidding - but seriously, you should read that series ASAP, it's everything a book series should be! Although if a book doesn't get you excited to read it, maybe it's time to push it down in priority or take it off the TBR. I recently cleared a bunch of books off my TBR and felt so much better.

    1. *punched in the location of a reader's heart, its aching beats sounding like the flipping of book pages*

      ouchies, Leah. But, seriously, just teasing! :) And, I love your sense of humor...maybe, we can be bookish friends!

      I just need to commit to the awesomeness I will be reading, but how can I handle such awesomeness when I am the embodiment of a measly chicken-goblin?! :D Okay, seriously, will take your recommendation to heart and have it read before the end of 2024. Pinky promise?


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