My Monthly Adventures: October 2017

Hello, all you lovely human beings, and if you brought your pet or multiple pets to your computer to read this blog, hello, meow, bark, or any other animal sound! October is my favorite month due to many reasons: 1) It is my birth month, 2) It is Halloween, which means it is scary and spooky, and 3) the candy! So, in the month of October, I had read a few more books and had written more posts than I did last month.

Books I Read This Month

All these books listed below I read during October; however, I never fully reviewed them on this blog. Look out for them as I will probably review them in a month or two.

1. All Rights Reserved by Gregory Scott Katsoulis
4/5 stars
Thank you to HarlequinTeen for sending me an arc of this book even if it came a little late. I really enjoyed this one; however, I have a few complaints, which I will explain in further detail in my review for it.

2. Amber Sky by Claire Warner
3.5/5 stars
I chose Amber Sky one day since I loved the cover, which you can look up for yourself, and I really wanted to know if the sky was the color amber. The answer to my question is yes, so I am happy. Expect a review of this book coming soon!

3. To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
4/5 stars
I actually read this for school, so even if I read this, learned some of the themes, and many other little details, I am not sure if I will do a review on it. If you want a review of To Kill a Mockingbird, please just comment that you would.

4. IT by Stephen King
5/5 stars
Um, even though I only read six books, one of them was IT, a 1200 page book about a murderous clown. I call this an achievement in my book, so expect a full review of IT soon because it was amazing.

5. Frankie by Shivaun Plozza
3/5 stars
I have had this book from Flatironbooks for some time now, and it seemed to be the perfect time to read it as the release date is coming up soon. I enjoyed it for the most part, but I have so many complaints and praise to give this book. You should be expecting a full review very soon as I am writing it after I finish this post.

6. Wild Beauty by Anne-Marie McLemore
5/5 stars
So, I finished this right at 11:59 pm on October 31st, and I adored it! The writing style, the complex characters, the world building *does Italian "muah" gesture* is done so perfectly. I cried and I smiled the whole way through, but I will not get into all my emotions as there will be a promised book review. Also, what is so wild about the beauties in this book? As I have already written, I think everyone and everything is crazy great in this book. I also highlighted too many lines for it to be considered normal.

Currently Reading

1. Ship of the Dead by Rick Riordan
Um, how long is this book?! I am flipping through too many pages for it to be flipping normal.

2. Alone by Cyn Balog
Why do I have to be alone while reading this? It is scary!

Movies I Watched This Month

1. "Wonder Woman"
3.5/5 stars
The iconic superhero movie of this year, other than "Spiderman Homecoming," that has been taking over movie theaters everywhere took over my television screen when my dad got the DVD to watch. I enjoyed the parts of when I was learning about Diana's backstory and her fight with her father Ares; however, I hated the romance between Diana and Steve, and the "humorous" parts were not all that funny since it plays off of Diana's little knowledge of the outside world and men as she only has known Themyscria for her whole life. It was cool to see her fight against Ares; however, it would have been better to see some better development or knowledge of Ares.

2. "Spiderman Homecoming"
5/5 web stars
This is my favorite Spiderman movie I have watched...EVER! I loved it so much. It was so great! Peter Parker played by Tom Holland was so funny and relatable. I loved seeing Peter Parker not as an over-confident and tremendously good world-saving hero, but as shy, young, and vulnerable. I also enjoyed that Peter had Tony Stark as a father-figure since it was nice to see some family elements in it. I also liked the modern elements added in, such as Mary Jane, the love interest for Peter, was called MJ throughout the movie. There is going to be a second movie being produced, so I am excited for my eyeballs to stare at the screen all night.

3. "Edge of Seventeen"
2/5 stars
The only thing I liked while watching this movie was the character played by Woody Harrelson. I hated Nadine as she was so selfish and self-absorbed; also, she changed way too fast in the end. Throughout the movie, Nadine was mad, angry, and any other synonym for mad towards everyone she know: her ex-best friend, her brother, her mom. Yes, siblings do fight and I am living proof of that; however, Nadine's only reasons to be mad at her brother were 1)he slept with her best friend and 2)she is jealous of him getting away with what he wants and getting praise. I do not understand why it had gotten such great reviews on Rotten Tomatoes calling it "honest" and "candid." Maybe, one day I will see it; however, it will not be today.

Gossip and Drama

This month was very exciting for me due to it being a special holiday for me and the candy. On October 15th, my birthday had arrived. It was really fun celebrating my special day with my family and a couple of books. It was really fun eating a cake, which I partly reviewed in my book review of Colorless.

Also, I got signed up for the SAT and ACT, so wish me luck! Even though this happened in November, I still wanted to include this; plus, I want to write what I want to write.

Books I Got

Since it was my birthday, I got some gifts, which were books that included:

1. Game of Thrones series by George R. R. Martin
The television show that has taken over my television has now taken over my bookshelf. If I already did not think my bookshelf could not hold more books, I was wrong since I will always find a way to fit every single book on my bookshelf. Even if the books are huge and they need to be arranged a certain way, I will always find a way. As the TV series is ending soon, I need to be loaded up with all the knowledge of Westeros and what my favorite characters, or my babies, are doing. Sadly, my tbr(To Be Read) pile is too big to be considered giant. I do not have a problem, okay. Do not take me to book hoarders anonymous!

2. Ship of the Dead by Rick Riordan
The last and final book in the Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard trilogy has finally come to my open arms. I have been waiting to read this since I first started reading Riordan's books, and now that it is finally in my hands, all I want is to read it and that all my favorite characters survive. I am currently reading it, and I am happy!

Posts I Wrote This Month

1. My Monthly Adventures: September

2. Book Review: The Walled City by Ryan Graudin

3. Spooky Reads for Your Halloween Night

4. Book Review: Colorless by Rita Stradling

6. Book Review: Achilles by Greg Boose

7. Unboxing the October NOVLbox

8. First Blog Tour and GIVEAWAY: Alone by Cyn Balog!

Also, before you leave, share this post 'cause it's caring, follow 'cause it's holo(-graphic, or 'cause it's not), and comment 'cause it's like writing a sonnet(I know that does not rhyme, but it just sounded nice).

Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoy!




  1. i liked this summary of yo life, boi! I cannot wait to read these books!

  2. Yeh! I influenced someone with my blog! Glad I can give you some content(hahahaha)!


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