Book Haul: Stacking My Shelves High with Some New Books

On Saturdays, Tynga's Reviews hosts a weekly meme for all the book lovers who receive books. With this meme, a book or an author can be promoted to all the people who may be interested. This is really cool as I love discussing books; however, it is mostly in a review or blog tour style. I have never done a book haul as I never get a lot of books at one time and I always feel like expressing my love or deep hatred in a review. But, in the words of the young Justin Bieber, "Never say never." Now, as every book lover does on any day, it is time to share and hug my new books!
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For Review(Thanks Netgalley, publishers, and authors!<3):

BobSuitors and Sabotage

1. Bob by Wendy Mass and Rebecca Stead
I had gotten a book by Nicholas Gannon, and it had such pretty artwork. Once I saw the title, which features my favorite name to use for stuffed animals, and that he was the illustrator, I hurried up and hit request. I cannot wait to read the story and stare at all the pretty illustrations!

2. Suitors and Sabotage by Cindy Anstey
It sounds cool. It looks cool. It is somehow giving me Gentleman's Guide to Vice and Virtue vibes. I want to read it now!

Bought (Thanks Mom!<3):

The NightingaleThe Doldrums and the Helmsley Curse (The Doldrums #2)Dreams of Gods & Monsters (Daughter of Smoke & Bone, #3)Helter Skelter: The True Story of the Manson MurdersThe Days of the Deer (Saga of the Borderlands, #1)Between the Spark and the Burn (Between, #2)Conspiracy (Giordano Bruno, #5)

1. The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah
This book was really popular a couple years ago, so it might be time for another "Up to the Hype or Na," a phrase I think so many times to help me pretend I am a game show host.

2. The Doldrums and the Helmsley Curse by Nicholas Gannon
Next, this is a book of beautiful illustrations with a magical stories that had me screaming "Accio!" since the first time I saw it appear on my bookshelf. Who is ready for this?

3. Dreams of Gods and Monsters by Laini Taylor
This epic finale to The Daughter of Smoke and Bone trilogy sounds fantastic. Plus, Taylor's flowery prose and awesome world are so good!

4. Helter Skelter: The True Story of the Manson Murders by Vincent Bugliosi and Curt Gentry
I have really been into "Forensic Files," so why not read a book about the dealings of a murder case? I really want to get more into the court room and how investigators solve cases, and this book sounds as if it can solve my case.

5. The Days of the Deer by Liliana Bodoc
Pretty cover! *heart eyes* Yes, this was a cover buy* and it sounds great! Just look at the shiny!

*Don't judge 'cause I know you have done it too. You won't be harmed but your wallet will be crying.

6. Between the Spark and the Burn by April Genevieve Tucholke
I had read Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea and it has not left my mind. I still think of the events unfolding. I might have to raise my rating for it, and I hope this ending closes it up nice and tight!

7. Conspiracy by S.J. Parris
I was browsing Half Price Books, which is where I found all the other books listed above, and I saw this magical looking book cover starring at me! It also sounded so good and up my alley. Now, I just have to face my fears and read this book in a dark alley well-lit room with kitties and dragons.

Awww...that was a good run. Now, I must leave these books alone until my patience exceeds its limit.

(<-------Me @ leaving a bookstore.)

Thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoy!


Did you receive any books or treat yourself to some books? How do you react when you walk into and out of a bookstore? Are your book-buying habits destroying your life? Do you ever cover-buy? Chat with me in the comments below or on any of my social medias. Plus, you can go chat with Tynga to learn what she got to further stack onto her shelves.



  1. Oh I got alot of great books this week and my month of March was fantastic, I want to read The Nightingale myself, I hope you will stop by and visit my STS!

    1. Hi, and thanks for commenting! I really enjoyed hauling (and carrying) all these books from the store. I cannot wait to read The Nightingale as it was so hyped up and want to play my favorite game of "Will It Live?" Hahaha! Hopefully, it does! Also, I will be reading your post soon to stalk your reading journey. Have a great week!

  2. I need to read Helter Skelter. It’s been on my TBR list for so long. I hope you enjoy your new books!

    1. Ah, yes, the endless tbr stack of undeniably beautiful books that tower over you day in and day out has become a relevant thing in your life. I wish there was a solution (other than to read and not buy anymore books); yet, there is none. I hope you get to Helter Skelter soon. I will be reading it as soon as I can as I am so interested by forensic science. Maybe we can buddy read! Have a great week and enjoy any of the books you got!

  3. Oooh so jealous of Suitors and Sabotage--the cover is SO pretty and I can't wait to read it. Happy reading with Dreams of Gods and Monsters as well! I read Daughter of Smoke and Bone a while back, but I haven't felt like finishing the series yet!

    - Aimee @ Aimee, Always

  4. Hi Aimee! That is why I wanted to show the universe that I had gotten Suitors and Sabotage-to make everyone cower before me because I have a beauty sitting on my shelf! MUHAHAHA...*cough, cough*...HAHA! Also, the other books are beautiful as well! This is how Bookstagram began-with people seeing that books are jewels that should be collected in a dungeon and never shared with anyone. Right?

    Anyway, I am so excited to read the rest of the books in the Daughter of Smoke and Bone trilogy, and I hope one day you feel inspired to complete the trilogy. It definitely does seem to be taken to another person's dungeon to be read and taken pictures of.

    Thanks for commenting, and have an awesome day of collecting books!

  5. Love the awesome books. I haven't read the Daughter of Smoke and Bone trilogy but sooo want to. I hope you have a great week reading!

    Mary my #SundayRoundup #13!

      Sorry for shouting at you just then but Daughter of Smoke and Bone is just very good. I need to write my review for it, but in the meantime, I will be shouting that everyone should read this for as long as one may live. I am still waiting to read Strange the Dreamer so I may read that book this month. Have a great week reading, and I will be sure to check out your blog post! :)


    1. my bad. I was doing my bookshelf at the same time I was reading this. These books look really interesting, and I hope I can read them in the future

    2. HAHAHA...Don't worry. Your comment made me laugh. I believe everyone should add books to their bookshelf, whether they come from the library (and need to be returned one day), the bookstore, or a neighborhood book exchange. I hope you have a fun time redecorating your bookshelf! Thanks for commenting, and have a great day!

  7. Aha! so these are the books that made your mom's wallet thin... Shame on you.. hahaha!!!..,They are great books Nicole and like I said I'm jealous. More so because I'm already an adult and my mom won't buy me books anymore. I'm already on the right age to earn money to buy myself luxuries. Yeah for my parents, books are luxuries.

    For me, they're necessities, just next to food and shelter.. hahaha..
    have a great time reading them.

    1. Hi Lili! Yep, you found the post where in I drain my mother's wallet for books, which are definitely a necessity. First, they hold knowledge; second, they are my friends; and, lastly, they are tasty and I love to read them all in one night if I have the time. Also, I just love holding them, which may be the reason for so many of my #bookstagram posts! Anyway, yes, I cannot wait to read all of these books soon as they each sound so good. I've already read Bob and sadly did not enjoy it much. I hope you can find some way to get your mom to spend money on you. Just say that you need to further your education in literature. Not like you need it anyway. :) I hope you enjoy reading any books you've collected and not read yet! Thanks for chatting with me, and have a great week!

    2. Shame about Bob... but anyway, you still have more to read..hope they're better. :) :)
      And My mom won't easily be fooled. LOLs.. she'll just tell me, I''ve been having education in literature since I was 8, and that's enough... hahaha... plus, she'll tell me to get a real job so I can buy me own books. hahaha...

    3. Yes, I am so excited to read the other books I received or bought with my mom's money. Also, MOMS! They are somehow not gullible through all their years of experience. Maybe, we can come up with some excuses for getting more books together. We can do it in secret. I hope you enjoy your life of trying to get more books! Also, have a great week!


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