About Me


                                                                     Hello, lovely humans!

I am Nicole, and I am a girl who LOVES to read and pet cats or any fluffy animal that walks by me. My passion for reading and literacy fueled the creation of this blog, NewBookCatsREADS, in high school and its continuance into my adult years. 

Here, you will find all my explorations into book reviews, rants, photography, or my favorite fandoms. In each of my posts, I would like to think that my hilarious and witty anecdotes bring a smile to someone's face, and I love interacting with anyone who dares to cross by. As a recent graduate tolling with my Bachelor's in Chemistry and Biomedical Sciences, I am now a highly caffeinated lad running on pure words and adrenaline, hoping to enter medicine as a physician and help others with their diagnoses and treatments. 

When I am not studying for what I think is the worst test in the world or maintaining my social life in books, I post what I can on this blog and across my social media platforms. If you want to follow, comment, or just read my posts, I am happy, but you probably should follow to give me the full grin that It always has on her face! Have fun on this blog!

Bye, and have a nice day!!

To contact me:
1. use this email: tinkerbellprincess747@gmail.com
2. Goodreads
3. Instagram
4. Twitter


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