Review Rules

      If you are on this blog, then, you probably know I am in love with books. I am in love with books so much that I have three social media pages dedicated to books and buy too many books for myself. When reading or picking out books to read, I usually go for young adult books. Book genres I like:

  1. Fantasy
  2. Science Fiction
  3. Contemporary
  4. Historical Fiction
  5. Mysteries
  6. YA Fiction
  7. Middle Grade Fiction(to some extent) 
  8. And More.
      I will not accept any romance books, erotic fiction, nor nonfiction.
      I will accept ARCs or finished copies from publishing companies and/or authors who want me to spread news of their book. Every book or bookish item that I receive and asked to a review will have my honest opinions and ideas about the product. For every book or bookish item that is sent, expect it to come at some time due to my overflowing bookshelf. I will happily promote your book, bookish item, subscription box, and more.

     Rating System:
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐: What an amazing book all around! The author accomplished all elements perfectly, and I can easily quote to my heart's content.

⭐⭐⭐⭐: This was a great and captivating novel. So much love to share!

⭐⭐⭐: Overall, this was a good book; but, something was missing or an element was not completely developed.

⭐⭐: The book was underwhelming or had problematic elements that I was unable to overlook.

⭐: Problematic elements were apparent or the story had plot holes/was not thoroughly developed.

DNF/Did Not Finish: I was not a fan of the novel, overall.

 If you have any questions or would like to request me for a review, please contact me at this address:

Social Media:



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