What Have I Promised Myself? | 2018 Book and Blogging Resolutions

The announcement of the New Year could be heard from me as I shout from the foot of my bed, reading one of the best books out there! Do you feel different from 2017 you or do you feel the same? I feel exhilarated since I have just chugged a bunch of hot chocolate(it gets chilly in Texas, okay😎) and I cannot wait for the many 2018 book releases, coming out soon.

Other than the excitement of the beginning of 2018, I feel guilty as I have finally gotten around to writing my resolutions for all the world to read. Instead of stalling anymore, I need to get on with this post and start my resolutions as soon as possible.

My 2018 Resolutions:

1. Writing More Posts
Whether I write weird posts, tags, or reviews for the year of 2018, I am hoping to do more posts than I had done last year. My initial goal was to try to get to 100 posts, but that may be crossing the line due to the amount of time it takes me to write a single post. Even though I want to have a large quantity of posts for this new year, I want them to my best posts of the year. I want them to have the best quality I can muster out of my brain and onto the computer screen. This also includes my Instagram as I have left it in the dust sometime ago.

2. Reading and Reviewing All My ARCs Acquired in 2017
In 2017, I managed to gather so many arcs from Netgalley, Edelweiss, and some publishers and authors; however, I still have not read those 37 arcs acquired in the matter of a few reckless, sleepless nights of requesting books. No one should leave me alone with a computer ever again. I know it is a privilege to receive arcs and I am extremely happy that I am able to receive arcs, but I might as well be drowning in arcs. So, in the spirit and year of 2018, I am making a stand to read more books that I have gotten from publishers and authors. This also could be seen as a book-buying ban; however, it is more of a book-requesting ban as I will only request books or accept book requests I really really need like these ones and so many more.

3. Rereading Some Old Classics
This resolution deals with rereading some old favorites of mine and reading some long overdue classics that I have been hoarding on my kindle. To carry on, in 2017, I reread a few books, which were the Infernal Devices trilogy and Lady Midnight by Cassandra Clare; in 2018, I want to be bigger and bolder by staying in my comfort zone where all my book babies are. I will soon have a post up on all the books I plan on rereading so I can keep everyone in the know. Also, some must-have classics need to be read as well.

4. Goodreads Goal
Lastly, I have my final goal that will probably be the only one I will keep to till the end of this year. This goal, which has me wanting to read 70 books, is my tie to life. If I do not complete this goal, I feel as if I will be a complete failure, which will make my parents upset in which makes them send me to a boarding school where I am only allowed to read. Actually, that doesn't sound like a bad idea, but you get the point, right?

In conclusion, good luck to those of you who have made themselves resolutions and are trying to keep them! I cheer you on fellow over achievers and readers! HUZZAH!




  1. Oh I love your goals! I'm hoping to write more posts this year too compared to the 1 I wrote last year! :') And I know a few people looking for reviewers to send their books too so I'm hoping to get involved with that as well! 45 is my reading goal but hopefully I'll read much more than that :D 70 is an amazing goal, I don't think I'll be able to read that many :D

    1. At least, you wrote one post last year! It's also cool that you want to write reviews. I would recommend Netgalley for some pre-release books since there are so many books to choose from! Also, it is just amazing in general! I cannot wait to read if or not you accomplish your reading goal (and I think you will) and the awesome books you bring into your life!


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