Book Review: Milk and Honey by Rupi Kaur | Unpopular Opinions, Hitting "Enter" Millions of Times, and Getting a Craving for Milk and Honey

Milk and HoneyMilk and Honey is a collection of poetry and prose about survival. It is about the experience of violence, abuse, love, loss, and femininity. It is split into four chapters, and each chapter serves a different purpose, deals with a different pain, heals a different heartache. milk and honey takes readers through a journey of the most bitter moments in life and finds sweetness in them because there is sweetness everywhere if you are just willing to look.


2/5 stars

There have been few books that I have read from Amazon's Prime reading since I have started book blogging, and this happens to be one of them. I know that I am currently swimming in a pile of books(and book reviews); however, this book is so short. How can I pass up a really short book that would not really matter if I did not like it or not? The other reason why I decided to pick this up was because of the hype other people have put on it. I heard so many people saying that this was their favorite book, even though they hate poetry and flowery language and the such. So, I downloaded it on my kindle, finished it in ten minutes, and moved onto another book immediately after that. That is the thing, Milk and Honey may be important to others, which I can see as so many people go through grief and sadness on a regular basis; however, it did not strike me in any particular way. Maybe, it is due to my opinion that poetry is not my cup of tea as it is my coffee, my Kryptonite if I were to be a super-reader, or it may be due to the fact that the lines from this set of poetry are fragments of a sentence separated by Kaur clicking the "Enter" button multiple times to conjure some disjointed sentence-poetry mutant.

Also, I realize how much courage it took Kaur to write down her thoughts from her troubles and publish it for the whole world to read. I always think poetry is very emotional to write as for most poetry, it is always about some deep underlying message that caused the author to write a rhyme scheme, alliteration, and so many other things to create something lyrical. However, this does not mean that I cannot write down my honest feelings.

What is my final judgement for this book? It was okay. I wouldn't read it again out of my own choice; however, I do see the important messages that people really enjoy reading about. This book is just not for me. That is the only statement that probably matters so I will leave it like that.

Thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoy!


Have you read Milk and Honey or any of Kaur's other works? What did you think of them? Was it full of milk and honey? Correspond with me in the comments below or on any of my social medias.



  1. So I read her second collection, The Sun And Her Flowers (omg I hope I got the title right😂) and I don't even like poetry but I actually quite liked it?!? It wasn't completely relatable to me but some of it was just GORGEOUS and very inspiring. I really want to try Milk & Honey too someday. But totally get why poetry didn't work for that's usually me too so I relate.😂

    1. Hi, Cait! It is okay if you forget the title of a book on here because I barely know what I am talking about. Haha! I also found the writing to be pretty at times; however, unlike you, it really did not spark anything in me. I am so glad that you liked her book, and you should read Milk and Honey to see if you enjoy it just as much as you enjoyed The Sun and Her Flowers. Thanks for taking the time to write a comment! XD


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