Five Book Bloggers I Love

In my years of being too emotionally attached to my laptop, I have also found that I have become too emotionally attached to some blogs. Some may say this is a problem, but I see this as an opportunity to give praise to some of my favorites. Also, I celebrated my first year of blogging last April, and I am so excited to share five blogs that I hate because they do not get enough praise. Again, before I jump into this blog post, I want everyone to know I really love the blogs I am listing here. I am only doing this as a satire of the trend where a blogger or vlogger trashes others in hopes of getting more views. I want to show that we should be nice to all creators no matter what. Instead of just sitting on my couch and watching all the worst episodes of Pokémon, let's get to the bloggers I love and start spilling the tea!

Five Bloggers I Love 😻:

1. Lili from Lili's Blissful Pages

Seriously, Lili, I have a message for you! I go through phases with a lot of things. Whether I start having a dilemma about which dessert is the best or which blogger's post I cannot wait to read first, I have never stopped reading your posts since you've started. I hate that sometimes I cannot comment on one of your posts because I am in the middle of class. All I want to do is read your words directed to the books you love and even to the books you hate. You, somehow, have great patience for books of any kind, no matter what it is. Throughout your posts, you list things you love and hate about the book, instead of screaming at the book like me. Also, you are very supportive of me and everyone else who is your friend. I am so glad that you were the very first friend that I made on the internet and not some fake account. Additionally, since I know you are going to read this post and probably comment, I am already going to say that YOU are awesome! *Hugs*

2. Cait from PaperFury

Maybe, you have heard about the amazingness little goblin-like creature Cait is, or, maybe, you just happened to stumble upon her blog after looking up "how to get rid of snotty tissues?" and found the result of her telling you to become a pirate. A space pirate.

Anyway, Cait was the first book blogger I have ever read, and I think her words pushed me to create a blog of my own. After reading her witty commentary in each post, book review or not, I immediately knew I wanted to share my not so witty jokes and observations with the world. I am glad that she has survived four years of writing endlessly about books and telling her readers about her secret hobbit hole. Also, she is getting her first book, A Thousand Perfect Notes, published on June 7th. That means there are only 18 days left! I just hate that the book won't be in the United States yet. I will just flail my arms and scream until it comes.

3. Aimee from Aimme Always

If you have heard about the queen of blogging aka Cait, then you have probably heard of the princess of blogging aka Aimee. Although Aimee may not have the dragons, she has the wise and powerful words to keep you reading her words all through the night. How?! I want this power now! Anyway, I love reading her posts, which range from hilarious discussions to book reviews that have all the unpopular opinions. Plus, she sometimes talks to me through my blog, and why would I ever complain about that?

4. Flavia from FlaviatheBibliophile

Oh, Flavia; oh, Flavia; oh, Flavia. What do I say to you about your precious blog? Well, other than it is a fantastically written piece of majestic art! Really, Flavia specializes her time on blogging not just about the hyped popular books that everyone is selling their grandmas for, but she also addresses the backlisted books that everyone should spend their time reading. She's created memes specifically for this reason. Also, she always has the cutest graphics, and her profile picture is the best since she made herself look like a cat!

5. Eileen from BookCatPin

Last but certainly not least, it is time to pick on Eileen. Eileen was another one of the first few bloggers I read last year. I never stopped reading her posts mostly due to the reason that she always has pictures of her cats in her posts. Also, she is pretty cool at writing and fangirling about all things bookish and cats! Her blog is so adorable with all the cats floating around inner-computer space. 

Other than her cats, she is so fun to talk to or just read from. She, like all the other bloggers on this list, seems to be able to entrance me with her villainous witch powers. She also has the ability to hold my attention for a very long time. I hate how she can do this when even my teachers can not hold my gaze when speaking about the Krebs Cycle. If only cats had something to do with the end result. Anyway, she is awesome.

In conclusion, I wanted to state that this was a satire, so then all of you crazy chickens who do not read introductions can understand what the peck is going on. If you really read the post, you would see that I gave multiple reasons for why I love five bloggers. I wish I added more blogs, but then this post would have been a gazillion bloggers listed on all pages of the internet. I hope all the bloggers see that the title is a joke. Anyway, I am happy that I have found such wonderful people on the internet, which I think is my parents' worst nightmare, and, even better, a great community to be a part of in my most boring of days!

Thanks to all of you who read this and did not immediately turn their head! I hope you have a great day "hating" books!


What was your first thought when you saw this post? Are you one of the bloggers I listed above? Would a cake make you feel more relieved? Do you think I should recommend more blogs more? Do you have a blog or another social media platform that you would like me to read and fangirl for all hours of the day? What magical creature do you identify yourself as? Chat with me in the comments below or on any of my social medias.



  1. Aawwww!!!!.. I'm so touched. How could you!!! I love you so much. Can I adopt you? Oh but you're eighteen... Thank you so much for the recognition. The only one I follow in your list is Flavia... And I agree with everything you said about her and her blog. She's amazing. The others I will follow. :)

    1. You're so awesome, Lili! Of course, I had to add you!!! You can still adopt me though. Also, Flavia is so awesome! That is why I added her! Yes, you should definitely read these bloggers while you are on your hiatus! I hope you have a great day!

  2. I completely agree with you on all the bloggers (except for Eileen, but only because I only now found her blog, thanks to this post)! This is such a lovely blog post, Nicole! I always love seeing other bloggers spread love and appreciation. <3

    1. Hi, Lily! Sorry for not answering sooner, but Blogger doesn't send me a notice anymore when people comment. I am so glad that you found Eileen! She is such a great blogger that deserves more praise (and cats)! Also, you are such a great blogger, too! If I had known about you when I wrote this, I would have totally added you! Have a great day!


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