Mini Book Reviews: Gudetama | Stress and Why Books Can Handle It So Much Better Than Mortal Humans

Hi everyone!

Has it been a while for you since I've posted? Probably not, but that is how I feel today.

After a full day of school, I feel so tired. I am not tired so much in the way that I need to fall asleep in the next minute with drool flowing from my open mouth, but I am tired from feeling stressed out all day. I have been wondering about my final grade for my English test; I have put myself on a reading schedule due to not having read anything for the last two weeks because SCHOOL IS MY LIFE*; I have studied for tests throughout the past two weeks as well. Also, finals is this week, and I am freaking out. There have been many things stressing me, and I am so glad that blogging is not one of them. After a long time of sitting in my carpool's car, I finally arrived home to find a package sitting against my house door. Little did I know that the two books that I requested so long ago would be the ones to pick me up after a stressful couple of weeks.

*Can you relate?

Reviews begin:

Gudetama's Guide to Life

Gudetama's Guide to Life by Brian Elling

In Japanese, when you're lazy, you are referred to as gude gude. Gudetama (tama from "tamago," egg in Japanese) is the lazy egg. Gudetama likes soy sauce and being left alone. Sometimes, Gudetama wonders if we are born only to suffer.

Each page of this book is kind of packed with helpful lessons, inspiring quotes and mind-blowing advice that will have you laying around like an egg in no time! And all of it comes straight from the yolk of a Gudetama!

Discussion #1:

"Once a Gudetama is eaten, it is gone and cannot be replaced."

5/5 stars

I was very stressed today, and this book knew exactly how to cheer me up. I laughed so much that I soon found myself doubling over and flailing like fish on the floor. I was cheering up as I was reading. Jump to two days in the future after finishing it, I still find myself flipping through the pages and laughing to myself on how much I relate to Gudetama. I am lazy, like soy sauce, and can find any excuse out of the sky just so then I do not have to admit to myself that I have a book-buying/book-loving problem.

Gudetama is an egg who has a simple philosophy to life-always be lazy. Maybe, not in those exact words, but very similar. It is not very hard to relate and enjoy the little troubles Gudetama goes through in this book. Although there are no life-changing discoveries I found within the pages of this book, I did see how and why Gudetama lives the way that they live. It's cool to see that even an egg can have preferences on the way it lives. Also, this book is very short, so I believe this can be read to or by anyone of any age that only wants to be humored by their inner spirit-animal and read a simple story to fill a couple minutes of their day. I would recommend this book more than Eggsistential Thoughts by Gudetama the Lazy Egg due to the mass amount of enjoyment I had gotten from this book.
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Eggsistential Thoughts by Gudetama the Lazy Egg

Eggsistential Thoughts by Gudetama the Lazy Egg by Francesco Sedita and Max Bisantz

Not all Sanrio characters are cheery! In Japanese, when you're lazy, you are referred to as gude gude. And that's where our new friend gets its name. Gudetama (tama from "tamago," egg in Japanese) is the lazy egg. Gudetama likes soy sauce and being left alone. Sometimes, Gudetama wonders if we are born only to suffer. And here, in Eggsistential Thoughts, are Gudetama's musings on life. 

Discussion #2:

3/5 stars

After opening the package and seeing and reading the surprise book, I saw the book that I first requested and immediately sat down to read it. Like the first book reviewed in the review, which will not be named due to the super long title, it is a fun read! It has some pictures that I relate to so much; however, it falls flat as there are only so many things you can do with short sentences that explain Gudetama's mindset. For the whole book, observations from Gudetama's life are made, and it can get quite funny. I think that a person who enjoys quotes or a quick one-liner may enjoy this cute short story; otherwise, get two copies of Gudetama's Guide to Life-one for you and the other for your massively growing bookshelf!

*Received both books from the publisher in exchange for a honest review.

My final verdict is that these two stories are funny and can be a great addition to any day! As long as you are stressed and having eggistential crises, you should be fine!

Thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoy!


How lazy are you? What do you do to get you out of a bad mood? Are there any books that have surprised you recently? What is your spirit animal? What is your one-liner that can summarize you in a pinch? How do you feel about Gudetama disappearing forever once they is eaten? Chat with me in the comments below or on any of my social medias.



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