Spell Your Name with Fictional Characters Book Tag | Days Full of Stress, Overachieving, and My New Identity

Several times, I have worked all day long. Every time I go to an amusement park or any popular vacation spot, I have to wrestle my way into a place in line. Some days, I have been on my feet all day, moving from one area to the next without taking a break. And, even though I have done all that and more, I feel as if this tag was the hardest thing in the whole universe.

First, if I may ask, why did I choose to do this? Also, why did I somewhat accept Lili from Lili's Blissful Pages's challenge to do this?(Also, go check out and follow Lili because she is just super-duper awesome sauce. That is not a description big enough for Lili; however, if you start reading her blog, you will be as speechless as I am.) Just, why?! I really think that she and some other bloggers lured me out into the open with some cake. How did they even know I have an obsession with cake and other foods? It is not like I stuff my face everyday.

Anyhow, I have a tag to start so if the internet will please keep all pictures of food away from my face for the next hour, I will be good with the bag of chips I have by my side.

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How to Play Win the Tag:

  • First, grab your name. Whether it is your full, part, or made up name, it does not matter as you just have a human or other mythical creature call you that.
  • Once you remember your name after a lifelong struggle of not knowing who you are(and get some chocolate cake because you deserve it), list all the individual letters in your name.
  • Next, set yourself in a room you can die in as this tag is the hardest and most stressful book tag in the world. Who created this tag so then all the book lovers could go extinct?!(I am actually not sure who created this tag as it started on bookstagram.) 
  • List names that start with whatever letter you wish. I decided to take it a step further and use only one character per series or any of the books I had chosen.
  • Once you are finished, fall to the floor and have your cake slaves, which in my case are my mom, dad, and uncle(THANKS!), get you the cakes that are bargain priced at your local food store. 
  • Finally, as you finish your cakes and your tag, you may NOT sleep as you have to keep reading to get more answers to this tag; when you have to do it again, you will have so many more answers...hopefully.
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Now, It's Time to Spell My Name 'Cause You Know Who I Am
-Wish me luck!

N-Nico from Percy Jackson and the Olympians
I- Iridessa from Iridessa, Lost at Sea
C-Clary Fray from The Mortal Instruments
O-Octavian from Heroes of Olympus
L-Lira from Zenith
E-Elisette from A Beautiful Curse

W-Wyland from Six of Crows
I-Issac from Thinks Out Loud: A Blog at First
C-Cinna from The Hunger Games
M-Magnus Chase from Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard
A-Alexander Hamilton from Hamilton and Peggy!: A Revolutionary Friendship
N-Nikolai Lantsov from Siege and Storm
D-Draco Malfoy from Harry Potter
Y-Yoda from YodaDark Rendezvous 

AND since I go above and beyond, I am also filling in my screen name that I use on my social medias!

N-Nancy Drew from Nancy Drew Mysteries
E-Estrella from Wild Beauty
W-Winter from Winter
B-Beatrice Prior from Divergent
O-Oliver Sullivan from The 5th Wave
O-Old Major from Animal Farm
K-Karou from Daughter of Smoke and Bone 
C-Celeste from The Selection
A-Aelin from Throne of Glass
T-Tessa Gray from The Infernal Devices
S-Simon Spier from Simon Vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda

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That was not a piece of cake. That was the whole cake!


I think I need to read and find some more names. I congratulate each and everyone who completed this challenge with ease. Even if you had trouble with this, I still applaud you and will get down on my hands and knees to bow down to you because you are the Ruler of Names.

I am still a little crazed about this whole ordeal. I did this! I did this!

Yes, all clap to me, you amazing actors! Now, I am the Ruler of Names. Can I join the club?

Next, who do I nominate? I am still a fairly shy cyborg book blogger so I do not know many bloggers nor if they have done this tag. However, I would like to see Carenza from CarenzaOnBooks do this tag! She is very creative so I would like to see what she comes up with and laugh at the villainous tag I have tasked her with. Also, if any of you want to do this tag in the comments or on any of your personal blogs, that is fine as I have tagged you. You are it!

In conclusion, before I start to sound like the Cookie Monster by saying "ME TIRED," I think I will just say goodbye. Me so tired! Okay, byyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeee!

Thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoy!


Have you done this tag before? How were you at being the Ruler of Names? Did you suffer from my name? Do you have a reward system, such as when you get a cake for finishing a blog post? If you were to be a food monster, which one would you be? Chat with me in the comments below or on any of my social medias.



  1. Oooh you're an overachiever (in the best, most bookish way possible)! ;) I see lots of familiar names and a few favorites (shoutout to my lovely boy Simon Spier). You definitely deserve ALL the virtual cake in the world. *showers you in glaze* <3

    Have an awesome day, Nicole! ^_^

    - Aimee @ Aimee, Always

    1. Hi Aimee!

      Thanks for taking the time to comment! Also, thanks for the new title of me being called an overachiever. I really do appreciate how you put it in "the best, most bookish way." I will hold onto this title as long as I possibly can. However, isn't everyone an overachiever is some way, shape, or form?

      Anyway, yes, a lot of familiar characters that may bring love or pain into someone's heart were included as they were the first characters to pop into my mind. I wish I had gotten some back-listed book characters; however, I only thought of a few. I am so glad that Simon was included in here. I cannot wait to read Simon Vs. The Homo Sapiens Agenda once I get my hands on it. It sounds so good!

      Also, thanks for the cake! *throws cake right back at you* I really enjoy how you and some other commenters just throw cake at me at every turn. :) It feels nice to have all that frosting all over my face as soon as I open my inbox.

      Have a lovely day, and have a great time of eating all the cake in the world!

  2. Waaaah!!!! Nicole... this is a great job you did.. My God, you don't just deserve a whole cake, you deserve at least three whole cake.. :) :) I love all the characters you've chosen, except for some from books I haven't read yet... Hope I can buy you a cake someday when I get to travel in the US. And since I don't eat cake and any sweet stuffs, well, you can have mine too. hehehe..:) :) :)

    1. Hi Lily! Sorry for the late reply, but school kept calling my name. :)

      Thanks for the praise(and the cake). I will take any and all cakes given to me. Also, I will take any book characters listed above that decide to jump out of their books just to please me with their presence. The only ones I would be hesitant meeting are Simon Spier and Karou as I have never read those characters' books yet. However, I have heard that they are wonderful and that they could be my BCFs(best character friends)! Also, yes, the first time we meet, there should be chili ice cream and cake. Maybe one day, I will convince you that cake is the food of the gods. However, since that time has not come yet, I must exploit my love for cake all over the internet. Anyway, thanks for the great thoughts you shared! Have a great day/night!


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